Friday, June 1, 2012 all sisters out there..


I have just watched one of the talkshow that has touched me..and i think i need to write something about this..Actually, talkshow ni about fashion and muslimah...if kita view market penjualan tudung di Malaysia sendiri, tersangatlah meriah..macam-macam tudung ada..dan sekarang yang sangat memudahkan which is tinggal sarung je without perlukan pin tudung adalah yang paling famous ..dan saya rasa, ia adalah sesuatu yang positif.. :)


Me..honestly start permanently wearing hijab from standard 5..i still remeber one of my class teacher advice us, the girls...`...pakai tudung tu tutup depan..tutup dada..malu kat budak-budak laki..`..and i was like,..`ha? tak selesa kot...`but still,im wearing the hijab just to cover my hair and it`s compulsory kan?hee..

Then, in secondary school, im studying in a school yang semuanya perempuan except ada seorang je cikgu lelaki wearing hijab on that time but only covering my hair without melabuhkan hingga ke dada..for what melabuhkan kan? sebab semua perempuan kot..and im comfortable with that..senang nak lari-lari kat padang, senang nak buat kerja, dan fashion kot..hee..

One day, i went to one of the camping organized by Persatuan Seni Silat Gayong and there are also other schools who joined that program as well..tapi yang sangat annoying waktu itu adalah, ada sekelompok group of students, from sekolah basic agama, critics on our style of wearing hijab..because we are not covering our chest..i was like, why must they judge us based on our style of wearing hijab?..dah pakai tudung,shut up and what ever..huu..

During that time, bila balik kampung, saya jadi hipokrit sikit..ya,my tok ayah is a religious man..dia agak garang..ask us to recite Quran in front of him, perform solat and so on..maka, kami cucu-cucunya sedikit cuak dengan tok ayah..dan saudara sebelah tok ayah semuanya alim-alim ( which is tudung serius labuh, wearing socks, jubah and so on),,me myself akan melabuhkan tudung dengan alasan malu kalau berjumpa dengan mereka-mereka ini..hee

After SPM, im continuing my study at KTT (kolej Teknologi Timur)..Doing Alevel for 1 year..This is where everyhting start to change..Thank you Allah for giving me housemates who is the same boat with me..we start to learn Islam..we start to know usrah..we start to think..the reasons of all our actions..Masa tu, saya berjumpa dengan kawan-kawan yang sama-sama mencari, kakak-kakak yang super baik..and i start to think..why im wearing hijab? is this the correct way of wearing hijab? why are they wearing such a labuh tudung?

"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts from sin and not show of their adornment except only that which is apparent, and draw their headcovers over their necks and bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women (i.e., their sisters in Islam), or their female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants free of physical desires, or small children who have no sense of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah altogether, O you Believers, in order that you may attain success.[An-Nur, 24:31]


This is what Allah has said..bagi saya, kita perlukan cinta untuk melakukan sesuatu..cinta mendorong kita untuk melakukan perubahan..apabila kita mencintai seseorang, kita akan buat yang terbaik untuk menyenangkan dia..Sebab itu sangat penting kita mengenali dan mencintai Allah..Tak kenal maka tak cinta..

My view, for us to change from being evil to good, we need to know the reasons of our changing..bila kita dah ada cinta kepada Allah, kita tidak akan ada alasan untuk menolak segala perintahNya..sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui..He knows everything yang Dia perintahkan..pasti ada hikmahnya!!

And I im now wearing hijab by covering my`s not an easy task..for sure akan diuji kan..antaranya..

`...kak..ade jual tak tudnug bidang 60?`
`..ha? tak de dah dik...`muka pelik

`...tudung macam kain telekung dah..`
hello..memng boleh bawak g solat kot..

`..hmm..dah lain eh sekarang...da makin sopan tak macam dulu`
sebenarnya saya tak berapa suka bila dikata macam nie..saya masih seperti dahulu, cuma apa yang patut diubah, saya ubah..takkan saya nak gelak macam pontianak depan public bila saya dah berpakaian macam, it helps me!

Dan orang memandang pelik tu biasa dah..and like i care kan..kolot ke pakai tudung nie?hmm..cuba compare zaman sekarang dan zaman neolitik..sape lagi kolot?wawawa... :p

Yes, i am comfortable with this prevents and protects me a lot..and i im happy with that..actually, it`s not about the size of the hijab, as long as you are covering the chest and follow the syariat, then it`s myself, wearing that bidang 60 because it fits with my size..eheee...

Wearing hijab never stop me to do what i love..i love netball so much..and i im still playing netball..i love watching movies..and im still watch it (tapi bukan di pawagam la)..i love joking around with people and wearing hijab never stop me from doing that..i am not going to judge people by their style of hijab..sebab saya dah melaluinya..mungkin pemahaman yang masih belum cukup..mungkin perubahan yang sedikit demi sedikit..

Saya sudah melihat ramai perempuan Islam (muslimah ) berjaya yang sangat awesome..they are wearing hijab perfectly..they are so confident..i want to be like one of  them..insyaAllah.. :)

To all sisters and silence readers out there, Im not perfect as well..Let us protect ourself..the men out there are very dangerous..choose the correct hijjab and wear it confidently...u will look super duper awesome! :)

p/s : ramainya kawan-kawan dan saudara-mara yang bernikah minggu nie..alhamdulillah..happy sangat..hee

p/s 2 : awak, terima kasih sebab sentiasa ingatkan saya walaupun awak dah nikah..saya sayang awak sampai ke syurga.. :)

p/s 3 : saya selalu terfikir, kenapa ada doctors yang garang dan suka marah-marah? You want us to be perfect like u or what? huh..

p/s 4 : bagaimana dengan pemakaian hijab yang menarik perhatian tapi masih labuh ke dada?hmmm.....saya masih confused...

p/s 4 : cant wait to see my future niece..nak panggil apa eh? auntie sue? mak ngah? haha...